Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dear mothers

To all those who are blessed to be called "mom" this is for you.
We know how to save a buck or two, we can fix the scrapes and bruises. We  "conquer" the kitchen every night for supper and tackle the mess that
Follows after. No complaints, no questions asked we just do. Yet, after days work why do most of us feel so incomplete?
    It's a feeling most of us will never admit, it's not in our nature. However, there are days we just need someone to pick us up after the third poopy diaper, erasing the crayon marks on the wall, and trying to fix supper all at once. I myself succumb to this inner weakness of "At my best why am I not enough Lord? The dishes aren't done, the laundry needs folded, and the baby is teething  how am I supposed to do this?" I love my son with all that I am, and then some.  But there are days that  I look to The Lord  and just wonder " why am I such terrible mother, why haven't I figured this out by now, I stay at home.?"

  We struggled with conceiving a child, I felt so guilty and ashamed that I had insecurities as a mother. I certainly wouldn't want to complain, to anyone! I thought if I could just focus, do better tommorow each day is a new day right? My clumsiness, and forgetfulness always claimed the day.
  I turned to my bible for encouragement, as to what a God expects from a mother. And of course, I found a subtle answer in proverbs 31.

She speaks with wisdom,
    and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
    and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:26-27

   I've come to the conclusion that all mothers have asked this every once in a while. I struggle daily with being envious of the mothers who never miss a beat, who always have everything on hand. Those moms that  have their makeup applied and hair neatly tucked into place. Meanwhile I have my sweats on, wearing a Tshirt and sporting a ponytail with no
Makeup on. Clearly by my own design I was falling short, is this what God wanted for me?
   Then  as quickly As I had thought it I felt this warmth in my heart. Through my imperfections I am loved just as I am, so what If I'm no cookie cutter wife or mother!!! That's right, on my WORST my God still loves me! When  my nerves are shot and the house is still a wreck by the time my husband gets home, God still loves me! I have a purpose I Serve Christ through my family. God created me knowing my failures, my hardships, my strengths and weakness yet here I am.   I was given just the right child for me, God  has not failed me! God matched me and my son knowing I would be perfect just as I am for my son!

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